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Rx4Mom emerged as a response to the significant challenge faced by new mothers in accessing reliable information regarding medication safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Prior to its inception, there was a notable gap in the market for a user-friendly platform that not only provided accurate data but also ensured a seamless user experience. This case study outlines the journey of creating Rx4Mom, a platform designed to empower and inform new mothers about medication safety for themselves and their babies.



Rx4Mom is a platform dedicated to supporting maternal health, embarking on a journey to revolutionize the way new mothers access crucial medication information during pregnancy and breastfeeding.



The initial challenge was to address the lack of a user-friendly, reliable resource for mothers seeking information about medication safety. There was a need for a platform that not only provided accurate data but also offered a seamless user experience.


Rx4Mom emerged as the solution, offering a user-centric interface that allowed new mothers to easily search for medications and determine their safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The platform collated information from reputable sources such as Drugs.com, FDA monographs, NIH, Medline, and LactMed, ensuring a comprehensive and trustworthy database.

Key Features:

User-Friendly Interface:

Rx4Mom prioritized simplicity, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they needed without unnecessary complexity.

Comprehensive Data: